Free, Games Iron Man 3 Release on iOS and Android 2013

Free, Games Iron Man 3 Release on iOS and Android 2013

Not just watching the movie, Iron Man is now the lovers can also enjoy the latest games from the idol figures in iOS and Android-based devices they. 

 Game development company, G ameloft and Marvel Entertainment released the official Iron Man 3 - The Official Game for iOS and Android devices. In this new game, the hero will face a number of powerful enemies such as Crimson Dynamo, Living Laser, Modok, and Ezekiel Stane, reports BGR. Iron Man 3 the game also offers a number of customization options where players can develop and upgrade up to 18 different costumes including Iron Man costume iconic MK II, MK V and Silver Centurion. Iron Man 3 - The Official Game can be downloaded for free in the App Store app store and the Google Play Store.

Free, Games Iron Man 3 Release on iOS and Android 2013

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